Bunu da gördük: ən sürətli qəbir qazma yarışı keçirilib

© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghMacarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində "Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək" məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Abunə olmaq
"Məzar qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək" məqsədi ilə keçirilən yarışda ev sahibi olan komanda qalib gəlib

BAKI, 8 iyun — Sputnik. Macarıstanda təşkil edilən bir çempionat bəlkə də dünyanın ən maraqlı yarışı ola bilər. Sputnik milliyet-ə istinadla xəbər verir ki, bu ölkədə ən sürətli qəbir qazma yarışı keçirilib.

Bir-biri ilə qucaqlaşmış gənc ana və uşağın skeleti - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Qəbirdən tapılan skelet arxeoloqları şoka salıb

Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində, hər biri 2 nəfərdən ibarət 18 komanda ən sürətli məzar qazma üzrə yarışıb. "Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək" məqsədi ilə keçirilən yarışın qalibi ev sahibi olan Debrecen şəhərinin komandası olub. Bu komanda yarım saatdan az bir müddətdə qazma əməliyyatını tamamlayaraq birinci olub.

Macarıstan Cənazəçilər Birliyinin rəhbəri Zoltan Juracsik bu yarışın qorxunc bir iş olmadığını deyib. "Bu, professional bir işdir", — baş cənazəçi deyib.

© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger sits in his vehicle as he waits for the start of the first Hungarian grave digging championship, part of an international event in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016. Thirteen pairs of gravediggers are competing for the national crown, awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger sits in his vehicle as he waits for the start of the first Hungarian grave digging championship, part of an international event in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016. Thirteen pairs of gravediggers are competing for the national crown, awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship, part of an international event in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship, part of an international event in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghGravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Gravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghGravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Gravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghA gravedigger cools off during the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
A gravedigger cools off during the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghGravediggers pose after the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Gravediggers pose after the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghGravediggers pose after the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Gravediggers pose after the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghGravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Gravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
© REUTERS / Laszlo BaloghGravediggers rest during the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, while competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Macarıstanın Debrecen şəhərində Qəbir qazmanın prestijini artırmaq və daha çox gənci bu peşəyə təşviq etmək məqsədi ilə yarış keçirilib - Sputnik Azərbaycan
Gravediggers rest during the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, while competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger sits in his vehicle as he waits for the start of the first Hungarian grave digging championship, part of an international event in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016. Thirteen pairs of gravediggers are competing for the national crown, awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship, part of an international event in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger takes part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Gravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Gravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
A gravedigger cools off during the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Gravediggers pose after the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Gravediggers pose after the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Gravediggers take part in the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh
Gravediggers rest during the first Hungarian grave digging championship in Debrecen, Hungary, June 3, 2016, while competing for the national crown, which is awarded based on accuracy, speed, and aesthetic quality. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh

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