Yunanıstanda bu həftənin əvvəlindən bir neçə güclü yanğın meydana gəlib ki, bu yanğınların da qurbanlarının sayı 79-a çatıb. Sputnik Azərbaycan "Reuters"-ə istinadən xəbər verir ki, ölkənin Attika vilayətində fövqəladə rejim elan olunub.
Ölənin baş naziri Aleksis Tsipras Yunanıstanda üç günlük matəm elan edib. Yunanıstan Prokurorluğu yanğının baş vermə səbəblərini araşdırır.
Yunanıstan hökuməti, həmçinin meşə yanğınları nəticəsində zərər çəkən şəxslərə dövlət investisiya proqramından 20 milyon avro ayıracaq.
Sputnik Azərbaycan dəhşətli yanğın zamanı və ondan sonra çəkilən fotoları təqdim edir:
© AFP 2024 / Valerie GacheA house is threatened by a huge blaze during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.

© AFP 2024 / Valerie Gache
A house is threatened by a huge blaze during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
© AFP 2024 / Angelos TzortzinisA man holds his son as a wildfire burns in the town of Rafina, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.

© AFP 2024 / Angelos Tzortzinis
A man holds his son as a wildfire burns in the town of Rafina, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
© AFP 2024 / Angelos TzortzinisA firefighting helicopter flies over a wildfire raging in the town of Rafina near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.

© AFP 2024 / Angelos Tzortzinis
A firefighting helicopter flies over a wildfire raging in the town of Rafina near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
© AP Photo / Thanassis StavrakisPeople cover their faces from the smoke that fills the sky near Kineta, west of Athens, after roads were blocked due to forest fires Monday, July 23, 2018. Residents were fleeing their homes Monday as a swift-moving fire blazed through a mountainous pine forest west of Athens and churned out smoke that turned the sky orange over the Greek capital.

© AP Photo / Thanassis Stavrakis
People cover their faces from the smoke that fills the sky near Kineta, west of Athens, after roads were blocked due to forest fires Monday, July 23, 2018. Residents were fleeing their homes Monday as a swift-moving fire blazed through a mountainous pine forest west of Athens and churned out smoke that turned the sky orange over the Greek capital.
© AFP 2024 / Angelos TzortzinisTwo women evacuate the village of Mati during a wildfire near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.

© AFP 2024 / Angelos Tzortzinis
Two women evacuate the village of Mati during a wildfire near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
At least five people have died and more than 20 have been injured as wild fires tore through woodland and villages around Athens on Monday, while blazes caused widespread damage in Sweden and other northern European nations. More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
© AP Photo / Thanassis StavrakisBuildings burn in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital.

© AP Photo / Thanassis Stavrakis
Buildings burn in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital.
© AFP 2024 / Angelos TzortzinisPeople look the smoke from a bridge as a wildfire burns in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.

© AFP 2024 / Angelos Tzortzinis
People look the smoke from a bridge as a wildfire burns in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
© REUTERS / Alkis KonstantinidisA firefighter holds a hose at the yard of a house as a wildfire burns at the village of Mati, near Athens, Greece, July 23, 2018.

A firefighter holds a hose at the yard of a house as a wildfire burns at the village of Mati, near Athens, Greece, July 23, 2018.
© AFP 2024 / Angelos Tzortzinis A picture taken on July 23, 2018 shows the Parthenon temple on the Acropolis hill in Athens as smoke billows in background during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens.

© AFP 2024 / Angelos Tzortzinis
A picture taken on July 23, 2018 shows the Parthenon temple on the Acropolis hill in Athens as smoke billows in background during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens.
© AFP 2024 / Valerie GacheCars are blocked at the closed National Road during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.

© AFP 2024 / Valerie Gache
Cars are blocked at the closed National Road during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
© AFP 2024 / Valerie Gache A house burns during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.

© AFP 2024 / Valerie Gache
A house burns during a wildfire in Kineta, near Athens, on July 23, 2018.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
More than 300 firefighters, five aircraft and two helicopters have been mobilised to tackle the "extremely difficult" situation due to strong gusts of wind, Athens fire chief Achille Tzouvaras said.
© REUTERS / Costas BaltasFirefighters, soldiers and local residents carry a hose as a wildfire burns in the town of Rafina, near Athens, Greece, July 23, 2018.

Firefighters, soldiers and local residents carry a hose as a wildfire burns in the town of Rafina, near Athens, Greece, July 23, 2018.
© REUTERS / Alkis KonstantinidisPeople watch a wildfire raging in the town of Rafina, near Athens, Greece, July 23, 2018.

People watch a wildfire raging in the town of Rafina, near Athens, Greece, July 23, 2018.
© AP Photo / Thanassis StavrakisA firefighter sprays water on the fire in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital.

© AP Photo / Thanassis Stavrakis
A firefighter sprays water on the fire in the town of Mati, east of Athens, Monday, July 23, 2018. Regional authorities have declared a state of emergency in the eastern and western parts of the greater Athens area as fires fanned by gale-force winds raged through pine forests and seaside settlements on either side of the Greek capital.